Trail Updates

About 2 weeks ago we finally decided on a name for our new trail that we are developing. After months of saying “The new outdoor watershed education trail on the LAWPC property adjacent to Tot Lot” we decided that we needed to STOP doing that. It seems silly that we didn’t think sooner to name it after the tributary that the trail is parallel to! Working on the trail has been difficult due to working part-time, trying to collaborate with others who have their own schedule, and all while working in a continuous pandemic and employment crisis. Yesterday while I was out flagging a trail, I came across a new set back:

Some blueberries and a big ole’ pile of scat that looks like its filled with seeds! After looking at the right photo for a while, and then sending it out to a wildlife biologist, we think that the dumpings are from a small bear. This finding was extremely exciting! We have blueberries, we have bears, we have clear water, we have the icons of Maine that make it a great state it is, right here in Auburn. Unfortunately I will not be going out by myself again until I get a bear bell, but the hold up shouldn’t be too long.

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